Do you really need a reason to stay off the roof on a windy day? Winds of 50 mph can lift shingles but work should stop well before that level. Winds above 23 mph are considered too dangerous for working at height. A sudden gust could actually lift you or send one of your workers […]
Category: Roofing Tips
Lovin’ the Job
It’s a fine late winter morning and you’re happy to be working outdoors. Your job, whether it’s roofing, home or chimney inspection, pest control, or solar installation saves you from the claustrophobic feeling you get behind a desk. Yes, there is roof climbing involved but you’ve been doing that for years and it’s no big […]

Keep It Simple
Have you ever purchased a tool, a gadget, or a home appliance that turned out to be much more complicated than advertised? Does it take too many steps to make it work? Too many buttons for only 2 hands? Don’t worry. We’ve all done that at least once. Something that looked so good in the […]

Roof Inspections
Searching for leaks As the snow melts, roof leaks seem to pop up like weeds after a good rain. During the winter, shingles may have broken or blown away; valley flashing could have become dislodged; or ice dams might have caused water intrusion. Some roof damage problems can be adequately evaluated from the ground or […]

Not Just For Big Roofing Jobs
At Strawder Family Innovations, inventors and manufacturers of The RIDGEPRO®, we’re a family business. We’ve been climbing roofs for generations so we know what it’s like to sell the job, source the materials, and then do the job, even on days when your head aches or your knees don’t want to bend. We’ve done the job […]

Winter Is Planning Season
Have you been hibernating the past few weeks like the proverbial groundhog? Are you hoping simply to emerge on a glorious spring day? Winter’s short, dark days can get us down, particularly in areas of the country where outdoor work on the ground or on the roof has stopped due to cold and snow. As […]