
Winter Is Planning Season

Have you been hibernating the past few weeks like the proverbial groundhog? Are you hoping simply to emerge on a glorious spring day? Winter’s short, dark days can get us down, particularly in areas of the country where outdoor work on the ground or on the roof has stopped due to cold and snow.

As we wait for the sun and the start of a new planning and roofing season, we can let some light shine on our own businesses. Whether you’re in roofing, solar installation, chimney repair, pest control, insurance claims adjusting, home inspection, or any of the myriad jobs that entail climbing roofs, the slower winter season can be the optimal time to look deep and take stock. It’s more than just doing an inventory of tools and materials, although those are both crucial from a safety standpoint. It’s more than creating a job calendar for the season. It’s more than scheduling training programs to make sure everyone stays safe.

Use this time to take a look at new technologies, products, and processes that may have been introduced while you were busy getting your jobs done. The pace of business moves so fast these days that there is no more room for “We’ve always done it the old way.” Your competition, doing things the “new” way, could be taking jobs that should and could be yours.

Is there a new estimating app that would save time and increase accuracy on job bids?

Are there new types of shingles, adhesives, or waterproofing that you’ve been meaning to investigate?

Isn’t it time to seriously invest in roof safety equipment? Harnesses, lifelines, and The RIDGEPRO® will not only help keep you safe on the roof, they will increase job efficiency.

The winter season is short and by February, is on the way out in some parts of the country. Don’t waste this precious time. Stay up to date and ahead of the competition. Be like the groundhog… come out into the light and stay there.

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