
A Tried and True Roofing Practice

How do you get to Yankee Stadium… or The Olympics… or The Super Bowl? How do you stay at the top of your game? 

Ask any major athlete, or race car driver, or Grammy winner. The answer is always the same: Practice, Practice, Practice. No matter how long you’ve been in the business of roofing, or one that requires roof ascents such as insurance claims adjusting, solar installation, or pest control, ongoing training is essential to keeping yourself and your workers safe on roofs. 

Another old saying is: What you train is what you’ll do. When you occasionally take shortcuts in training for fall protection, rescue, or recovery, or skip rooftop safety procedures such as lifelines, those dangerous shortcuts can become a habit with disastrous consequences. Too many workers are still dying each year from roof-related falls even with all the excellent safety equipment and tools available including our flagship product: The RIDGEPRO®.

As a worker or a business owner, you need to decide how it will be. Will you train on roofing safety procedures just enough to fulfill requirements or will you make it a part of your work ethic and do the best job possible? We made a company commitment to roofing safety. Our mission is to dramatically reduce the number of falls and fatalities in steep-slope roofing safety. 

Your commitment to safety and to consistent training on all jobs and all worker levels will lead to efficiency and profitability. It’s the tried and true way. At The RIDGEPRO®, we hope you’ll make that choice. We have.

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